Dirtroad Cohorts

Dirtroad is a national training program for rural candidates, staffers, and organizers.  

To date, we have trained over 70 rural leaders from 29 states.

There are 38 Dirtroad candidates on the ballot in 2024.

Dirtroad Cohorts are small community-based learning academies that run for four months. We run parallel Cohorts for staffers & organizers and for state and local candidates. These are facilitated by Dirtroad staff, with supplemental training from nearly a dozen other experts in the field. 

We call our programming  “The Collaborative” to reflect the partnership that defines it.  We also run Cohorts with partner organizations to customize support. Our in-depth model focuses on the humanity in this work while blending electoral and grassroots organizing skills.

Our next Cohorts will run in early 2025! Please click the “Interest Form” button below to apply or reach out with any questions.

**Scroll down to read more about our Cohorts and see testimonials from past Cohort members!**

NOTE: Although Dirtroad Organizing’s Candidate Training Collaborative is primarily intended for individuals beginning to consider a future run for office, the program is open to all leaders—including those who have already declared their candidacy. Our program is intended to promote our principles and values and to serve the rural communities our participants represent. The Training Collaborative is not intended as intervention or participation in any political campaign, nor is it intended to influence the opinions of voters or the outcomes of any specific elections. We do not consider participation in the Training Collaboratives to be a political contribution or a campaign service.

Nonetheless, we will work with all current and future candidates to ensure compliance with each state or locality’s campaign finance laws.

About Our Cohorts

What are the goals of the Cohorts?

The Cohorts have two goals. The first is to build intentional and supportive community with other rural leaders. We know this work can be hard and lonely. The second is to provide you with the strategies, skills, and tools that you need to organize, run for office, or staff a campaign. In summary: we build community and hard-skills for rural leaders.

What do the Cohorts entail?

This cohort is a four month-long small group community and skill building experience. We'll have group sessions once a month for two-hours that will focus on community building and dig into important and unique aspects of rural organizing. In addition, once a week, you will have access to optional hard skills training with rural campaign experts from across the country. Lastly, you also have access to unlimited 1-1 support from Dirtroad staff.

Are the Cohorts free?

We strive to make this program free to everyone, but we will need to ensure that we are in compliance with your state’s campaign finance laws.

What is the time requirement?

You are required to attend our monthly two-hour group sessions. The other learning and connection opportunities are optional but recommended. For candidates, you are also required to attend our in-person retreat at the end of our Cohort, which is just one weekend (two nights, three days).

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • ABIDE BY DIRTROAD’S PRINCIPLES AND VALUES: Anyone who attends our Cohorts must agree to abide by the values stated on our website.

  • WORK AT THE DOWN-BALLOT LEVEL: We only work with folks working at the down-ballot level.

  • LIVE AND WORK IN RURAL AMERICA: Our definition of rural: you get your hands dirty. We ask that you be rooted in and committed to your rural community. This doesn't mean that you were born there or have lived there your whole life. It means that you care about your corner of the world and are ready for work hard for it.

  • BE CURIOUS, KIND, and OPEN: This experience is really built around community, sharing experiences, and learning from others. Please come with an open heart and ready to engage in this experience with incredible people from across the country.

  • IN IT FOR THE LONG HAUL: We know that rural work is difficult, and we may not win our first try. If you're part of this cohort, we're in it for the long haul with you, and we ask that you're in it for the long haul with your community. We work to make our communities more vibrant and inclusive, regardless of outcomes, and we prioritize long-term organizing.

  • DIRTROAD CANVASSING: A cornerstone of your work should revolve around talking with rural voters and building a more inclusive movement. This grassroots organizing mindset should be at the foundation of your work with Dirtroad.

  • FIGHT FOR EVERYONE: We are committed to building a world that is inclusive, just, and equitable. We take the time to listen to those who are different from us, and we fight for those whose voices have been historically shut out from political spaces.

Hear from past Cohort members!